How Polluted is the Cape Town Coastline?

We are a Public Pressure Group aiming to create awareness and pressure government to tackle the issues causing the sewage pollution along our coastline, ultimately restoring our coastline to the pristine marine environment that it should be.

Learn more, join the conversation & show your support!

Photo Credit: Jean Tresfon

How Polluted is the Cape Town Coastline?

Bays Of Sewage Homepage Hero

We are a Public Pressure Group aiming to create awareness and pressure government to tackle the issues causing the sewage pollution along our coastline, ultimately restoring our coastline to the pristine marine environment that it should be.

Learn more, join the conversation & show your support!

Why we should all give a SH*T!

The City of Cape Town releases Billions of litres of untreated and partially treated sewage around the Cape Peninsula. This is not only a gross violation of environmental standards but also poses serious health risks to our community and marine life.

The local government’s current practice involves pumping this sewage along our coastline, polluting our waters and damaging the delicate balance of our ecosystem. The impact on marine life is devastating, with countless species at risk due to this pollution.

According to a report by South African Water Research Commission, approximately 3-4 billion litres per day of wastewater are discharged into South Africa’s coastal waters. This includes both treated and untreated wastewater (South African Water Research Commission). In Cape Town alone, it’s estimated that up to 55 million litres per day are being dumped without adequate treatment (City Health Department).

This situation cannot continue. We demand that the local government take immediate action to treat all sewage properly before releasing it into the environment. It is their responsibility not only towards us residents but also towards preserving our rich biodiversity.

We need your support in holding them accountable for their actions. Please sign this petition urging them to stop dumping untreated sewage into our coastline and start treating it properly before release. Your signature can make a difference in protecting both human health and marine life in Cape Town and further along the South African coastline.