Coastal Water Testing on the Atlantic Seaboard

by CM

Observations Camps Bay Water Sampling
2024 01 19 Bos Obs Atlantic Water Testing

Coastal Water Testing on the Atlantic Seaboard observed by independent experts This morning (19 January 2024).

I joined City of Cape Town Coastal Management officials to observe the coastal water sampling exercise on the Atlantic Seaboard at Camps Bay. We were joined by an independent marine scientist and community representative who is also a marine engineer. These independent experts observed and guided the water sample collection, and the delivery to the independent laboratory for testing.

This sampling exercise was conducted to identify the milky discolouration of fine particulate matter that has been widely observed just offshore of Camps Bay beach. It was observed that this discolouration had no odour and was separated by a significant distance from the marine outfall point, which we went to on the boat.

The independent laboratory will begin their analysis immediately today and a SABS report will be generated. The City of Cape Town will additionally ask an environmental consultancy to review these.